旋律的回响 《最终幻想14》音乐赏析战斗篇
Good King Moggle Mog XII / 善王モグル·モグXII世
贤王莫古尔·莫古 贤王莫古
贤王莫古尔·莫古 贤王莫古
贤王莫古尔·莫古 贤王莫古
贤王莫古尔·莫古 贤王莫古
贤王陛下塑造了人类的灵魂!在他的庇护下我们无所畏惧!陛下的旨意是我们的的火炬,破除眼前的阴影!生灵渴求救赎。没有贤王,就没有这一切。诅咒是永远的。 停下并悔悟。屈服于他的意志。
注:本页图片底下有英文原版的歌词 有兴趣的同学可以看下原版歌词
Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
Lord of all the land! (Kupo!)
Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
Rules with iron hand!
Good king Moggle Mog
Good king Mog
Leads the brave and true!
Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
Now come along and meet his trusty crew!
Kupta Kapa will clip your tuft
Split your hairs and ruffle your fluff
Kupdi Koop will throw you for a loop
Brave a wall of whiskers to find his troupe
Kupli Kipp is sly yet sweet
He'll tickle your nose then tickle your feet
Jolly Kogi's eye for fun is clear
He'll put an arrow straight in your rear!
Pukla Puki plays with fire
Poms a- burning on her pyre
Puksi Piko likes her buddies big
To sing a little song and dance a little jig
Pukna Pako shivers and shakes
She'll stick you in the gut and give you bellyaches
And who's behind them, stand tall?
Why, the biggest moogle of them all!
(Spken)Who!? Who!? Whoever could it be!?
Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
Kind and noble lord (hear! hear!)
Nod your noggle nog And mind your gob
Or he’ll put you to the sword!
Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
His judgement you will dread!
Good King Moggle Mog
Good King Mog
What do you decree?
What do you decree?
What do you decree?
Off with their heads!
Good king Moggle Mog
Good king Mog
Lord of all the land!(Kupo!)
Good king Moggle Mog
Good king Mog
Rules with iron hand!
Good king Moggle Mog
Good king Mog
Leads the brave and true!
Good king Moggle Mog
Good king Mog
Now come along and meet his trusty crew!
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